Monday, 28 February 2011
Into the Wild.
I saw Into the Wild this weekend. I totally fell in love in the movie aaand Emile Hirsch too. He is sooo cute. The whole movie is just beautiful and I just love it. It's different and there is sense in it. The music is also lovely. It's Eddie Vedder.
I don't want to go to school! :c This holiday went too fast! Suddenly it was Sunday evening and I was going to bed. Fuck school right now. But now I need to go, but when I get home I will upload all the pictures from Italy, the concert and my day in the school.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Set it free.
Good morning everyone. Or good afternoon..? Haha, whatever.
I slept like a baby last night. It was a long breakfast today and I'm going to start with some homework I have and after that It's off to the gym with my friend Emma. It will be nice to work off all the candy I've eaten this week! Hehe.^^
Talk to you guys later today. Bye.
Man måste dö några gånger innan man kan leva.

I'll tell you more about it tomorrow and show you the videos and pictures. Now I need to get some sleep.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Håkan Hellström.
Like I said before, me and my friend Elsa are going to se Håkan Hellström this evening. He's a swedish singer and I love his songs. All of his songs are thoughtful and beautiful. Everything is wonderful and every text in each song is always incredibly beautiful. He sings about life, love and everything. I hope you guys have an equally awesome evening like I'm going to have! Bye!
The best is yet to come.

I'm back in Malmö. I came home yesterday but I was so tired that I didn't have the power to blog. I fell asleep on the couch yesterday while I was looking at a movie. I had been up since four o'clock in the morning so you might understand why I was so tired. I will tell you about the holiday soon and show you pictures.
Anyway, today me and my mum went into town. I couldn't find those shoes I've told you about from monki, but instead I bought low Dr Martens!!! I'm soooo happyyyy! :D Then I also bought a dotted dress.
Right now I'm watching a movie while I'm about to fall asleep. Maybe I should get some sleep because tonight me and my friend Elsa are going to KB to se Håkan Hellström play. It's going to be awesome! Tell you more about that later.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Words that I'm hearing are starting to get old.

On the plane I'll entertain myself with the movie Into the Wild (I hope it's as good as everybody says!) and read my lovely books.
I don't know if I can blog there but I'll try to get into the Internet, and if not, I'll talk to you next Friday when I get home.
Now I need to eat some breakfast. Take care and I hope you have as good vacation as I will have!
Thursday, 17 February 2011
It's better to burn out, than to fade away.

Old and really random picture from my web cam.
I'm packing the last things for the trip to the sound of The xx. I just love them. I'm longing so much that I'm about to soon burst. Longing for the feeling when you just go out on the hill and then go snowboarding all day long. But I'm quite sad that my camera's broken because now I can't take pictures there except with my mobile camera... :cI also can't take pictures with my web camera on my computer because it's ALSO broken! Everything's broken. :c
Got nothing interesting to write right now so I'll talk to you later.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
I've lost my head.

I wish I could dye my hair dark brown (but I can't because I would look like shit!), wear cute summer dresses and lie on the grass all night long watching the stars in the skye. Summer hurry up!
I don't know what to write today. Lets see.. On Friday I leave this cold and boring Malmö (Or no, it's not that boring here... but school is killing me. :c) for Italy and snowboarding. I'm extremely tired right now so I think I'm going to bed.
I hope you enjoyed this totally unnecessary and boring post.
Monday, 14 February 2011
In the end, we all just want to be loved.
Happy Valentines day! I spent my day with being totally "fozzy" (do you say that?xD) with my lovely friends after school. A bit later we went to a cozy cafe and sat there for hours just talking. So it's been a good valentine's day, but with friends. It would be nice to have someone right now... But anyway, to everyone that have a great boyfriend/girlfriend, happy valentine's day to you!

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